Hub Posts

  • Beware of the highly myopic patient findings… - This patient was referred to me for deterioration in her vision due to a cataract. Whilst the cataract indeed did contribute to her poor vision , an examination and OCT investigation of the macula ( now used routinely as part of my pre-surgical work up for cataract surgery ) , also shows a macular schisis.
  • Benign lesions in the retinal periphery - This patient has a very interesting fundus appearance , there is a cobblestone like pattern of RPE pigmentation in the far to mid periphery. This is most prominent in her right eye and is ofcourse completely benign. In cases of similar bilateral lesions , one may need to consider retinal dystrophies as a potential differential…
  • It pays to look in the peripheral retina! - A quick case highlighting the importance of a retinal peripheral fundus examination. This patient is myopic and has some changes of myopia in the posterior pole but it is only when the peripheral retina is examined carefully that we note a few interesting chorioretinal lesions.
  • Interesting peripheral retinal lesion - This was sent to me recently as it looked a little atypical for a retinoschisis and was promptly referred . Its suspicios features are the variation in colour and pigment change that makes it suspicous for a choroidal mass lesion.
  • A case of malignant hypertension and retinal signs - This man was referred to see me by a colleague . He had reduced vision in the left eye to 6/24 and unable to be refracted. A thoughtful optometrist , queried a previous diagnosis of ?amblyopia and referred him on. Although he did not appear to have any co-morbid disease such as hypertension or diabetes…
  • The age old asteroid hyalosis - I always find it a challenge to capture this pretty pathology on camera… 45yo female , asymptomatic of floaters. As you have encountered I’m sure, this is often the case!
  • Vitreomacular traction - There has been some recent discussion around Ocriplasmin – trade name Jetrea- a recombinant protease with activity against fibronectin and laminin, components of the vitreoretinal interface. It is used for treatment of symptomatic vitreomacular adhesion, via intravitreal injection, for which it has recently been approved for use in Australia. Sometimes controversial as a single treatment…
  • an atypical retinal appearance - This is a case that an optometrist recently sent me . A middle aged man , no apparent change in vision but an unusual pigmentation/ depigmenation to the retina. Focus on the pale subretinal lesions. A similar appearance in the fellow eye ( not shown). A case of birdshot chorioretinoapthy -at present inactive.
  • A challenging case.. - This 10year yo otherwise well boy presented with what appeared to be optic nerve swelling in both eyes. A work up for papilloedema including neuro-imaging , infective screening , lumbar puncture and opening CSF pressure was done showing no anomalies. Without active treatment vision is returning and the disc and retinal oedema appears to be…
  • It pays to further investigate… - To a retinal specialist, the importance of a fundus fluorescein angiogram (FFA) as a follow up investigation is commonplace. What isn’t so routine is expecting to find something that you weren’t quote convinced was present on examination of a patient’s retinal fundus. I share the following post with you as I was somewhat surprised by…

Welcome to the Retinal Hub

This website was designed to foster and encourage communication between Optometry and Ophthalmology.

Patients with retinal eye pathology are perhaps the most frequently seen in our clinics .

Retinal disease often tells a story and it can be difficult to elicit all parts of this story on one visit alone or with a single set of investigations on one occassion. A co-management approach is often needed , even if this is simply by sharing advice among peers or a retinal specialist .
This is the purpose of The Retinal Hub : to simply serve as a medium of communication.

For our disciplines of Ophthalmology or Optometry. Please feel free to comment on the online forum on the cases or recent news/articles on diagnosis and management. We encourage use of the online forum to post OCT or other retinal images for opinions etc. This is reviewed on a weekly basis.

For our patients . The Retinal Hub allows free access to information phamplets , general information on retinal procedures and clinics and the opportunity to make an appointment.

We recognise that a good clinician is one who never stops questioning the validilty of current opinion and management strategies. The Retinal Hub promotes topical discussion withinin the retinal field , thereby building solid foundations for co-management

I hope you find this a useful communication tool and are able to come back to it with your insightful topics discussion, questions and opinions.

Looking forward to working together to fight all retinal disease!


The Retinal Hub gratefully acknowledges The Angiogenesis foundation for the use of their well developed patient information phamplets referenced on this site.

Please note that any opinions postulated on this website are those of the chief author and/or those individuals posting these opinions on the online forum. They are in no way the opinions of the The Retinal Hub authors.

This website serves a forum of communication and sounding board for discussion , it is not meant for specific treatment advice and we encourage patients to seek this advice through direct consultation with their medical or allied health professional.

The logo, text , images and layout of this website are covered by copyright under the intellectual property act . No copying of information is permitted without the written consent of the chief author.